Laura Chipman | Life Coaching for Women Lawyers

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Slow is smooth, smooth is fast

Some people are imagining 2021 is the year they “get back to it.”

As I’m reflecting on 2020 and listening to my needs for the transition to a new year, I’m surprised by what I feel.

2020 was not a standstill. 

We didn’t go anywhere, but there was so much happening.  I was growing, stretching, reaching, doing the impossible, tackling the new, putting out the fires, prioritizing the urgent and the current.  I was overextended, just not geographically!

Our schedules slowed, but my mind was racing.   Multi-tasking at a whole new level in one space.

And how do I feel at the end of it all?  Well, tired.  And a bit untethered.   

For the new year I’m feeling like I need to regain my footing after this transformation.  Not resetting to the old, but resetting in the new.

Here are the words that are feeling true for me… and the initial unhelpful knee-jerk thoughts I had when they came to mind:

  • Slow.  (What!? This surprised me so much.  How could I want to slow down when I haven’t done anything?)

  • Strength.  (I’m pretty sure I’m already so strong for having survived the year.  What else do I need to do?)

  • Space.  (You’ve gone minimalist before.  What other order and organization is needed?  Are you just fussing around the house?  Are you stir crazy?)

Letting them sink in, I was able to see the truth behind each word and offer a kind and accepting response to myself.

  • Slow.  (Yes, of course.  You’ve done so much in a year of uncertainty, going full steam ahead into the dark.  Slowing down, doing less, and allowing yourself to catch up makes sense for re-entry.  Even for a Navy SEAL, “slow is smooth and smooth is fast.” Get some muscle memory and precision back. You have permission to pare down the to-do list.  Your kids will also benefit from you just waiting—they’ll gain independence and you’ll model more patient parenting by focusing on going slow. )

  • Strength.  (You are strong.  You are also overextended, which can make our muscles weak.  Give yourself the gift of feeling grounded.  Your body is asking you to rebuild your physical strength before you try to take on anything else new.  You can look forward to feeling grounded and centered again.)

  • Space.  (One of the surprising things you learned in 2020 was that you need personal space.  Solitude, focus, and margin.  Continue to plan for it and allow that space while you are still processing and adjusting.  And if it helps to order and organize the space in your home, there’s no harm in continuing that effort!)

Slow.  Strength.  Space.  Those are the words I’m choosing to guide my goals for 2021.  Surprising as they may be, they make sense for me. I’ll spend the next week or so selecting goals for myself in each category to begin in the new year. 

In fact, the “strength” word was so powerful for me I already started—with some dumbbells and a weight-training online workout.  It was the best I’ve felt in months.

I’m getting my safety net back. Redrawing the map, building the muscle, resting and recovering, hooking back in to my harness. Still making the climb to new neights.

Life is full of surprises.  I’m glad I’m listening for what’s next.

So, friends,

What do you think you’re needing most in the new year?  How can you start making room for it today?

I’m cheering for you!