Mindful Momentum

Four Strategies to Help You Stop Planning for the Worst
and Start Seizing the Day

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Let’s take a break from planning for the worst
and start enjoying our lives right where we are.

Join Laura Chipman and Claire E. Parsons for a
free lunchtime webinar on December 1, 2020 at 12pm Eastern. We’ll teach you ways to make mindful decisions, even when it feels impossible to plan. We’re lawyer moms, too, and we get it. Join our conversation about mindfulness, confidence, and being present for our lives in this moment.

Register below to receive your Zoom link via email.

About the speakers

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Claire E. Parsons

Claire E. Parsons is a practicing attorney, mom, decorated leader, speaker and author. She’s also an introvert, classic overthinker, self-doubter and worrier. After a difficult first pregnancy that rocked her life, Claire began a mindfulness practice that injected much-needed clarity and distance from her thoughts and self-compassion into her life. Over time and with gradual adjustments to her mindset and behaviors, Claire’s life changed dramatically as she pursued her passion for writing, led groundbreaking initiatives in her community, began speaking about mindfulness, and became an equity partner in her firm. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Claire’s mindfulness practice was her touchstone and it helped her not only maintain calm and practice self-care as she managed her firm, practice, and family, but also grow her network, continue to invest in herself by enrolling in a meditation teacher training program, and even co-author a bestselling book. In this session, Claire will share her real life stories, practical knowledge, and humor to help you understand how sitting quietly for a while can help you move faster towards your goals then you ever thought you could.


Laura Chipman

Laura Chipman is a marketing & privacy attorney, a coach to women lawyers, and a mom to two boys. She’s also an extrovert, a natural optimist, and a big-picture thinker who loves options. In 2019, Laura moved with her family to an old farmhouse on 16 acres in rural North Carolina. The move propelled her toward a new lifestyle based in her values that allows for a lot more sunshine, dirt, and pickup truck rides. During COVID-19, Laura launched her coaching business to help support women lawyers who are reassessing what matters most in their lives in the midst of personal, professional, and global change. She coaches women to develop confidence, clarity, and a personal brand based on their authentic selves. Always a cheerleader, Laura loves to make new friends (virtually!) and encourage them to do more of what they love. In this session, Laura will share strategies for realigning your decisionmaking with your values and your vision for a better future, even when the pandemic makes it hard to plan. Learn more about her Laura’s story and her coach practice by visiting the About page on her website (www.essentiallychip.com).

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