Fox Rothschild Women’s Initiative


I’m Laura Chipman. I’m a practicing lawyer and a coach to women lawyers, helping you live and practice intentionally.


I’ll be joining your group in December to lead you through some personal reflection and collaborative exercises designed to support you in working happier:

We will check in on our values as a framework for decision-making, acknowledge our strengths as meaningful contributions, and develop a personal brand to attract success.

You will also call on each other to celebrate your successes, promote and spotlight your work, cross-sell your expertise, and champion within your firm community. You’ll learn about the unique ways you each contribute to your clients and to the firm, holding space for everyone to show up more authentically at work.

We may be separated by a pandemic but we have the opportunity to support each other like never before.


Before our workshop, you may be assigned to a small breakout group to begin preparing, sharing, and getting to know each other better. As a first step, please print out and complete the Values Exercise.

If you’d like to dig in even more, spend some time revisiting any strengths assessments you have completed in the past (e.g., Myers-Briggs, Clifton Strengths, DiSC). Make notes about what you remember learning about yourself. To start fresh, check out the Clifton Top 5 Strengths Finder or the VIA Character Strengths Survey online.

Workshop Information

The live workshop was held on December 9, 2020 and has now ended. We’re sorry we missed you!


Click on the image below to view the complete workbook for our session together. Print a copy if you like to make notes by hand, or download it to have as a reference when we meet. There are plenty of prompts and action items for you to take with you following the workshop.


Keep Good Going

We’re just getting started!

Check back here for group discussion questions, accountability action items, and ideas for future sessions.


  • Plan to meet with your small group in 3-4 weeks and again in a few months to follow up on successes you can share on their behalf and ways you can encourage each other.

  • Use the Women’s Initiative email list to share victories regularly!

  • Use FoxNet or firm emails to share larger successes with the firm.

  • Connect with each other (and Laura!) on LinkedIn to facilitate external sharing as well.

Using values as a framework for decisionmaking:

  1. Is this opportunity going to move me in the direction of my values?

  2. Is this situation hard for me because it is in conflict with my values?

  3. What changes can I make to my approach or circumstances to better suit my values?


Essentialism by Greg McKeown ( + podcasts)

Dare to Lead by Brene Brown ( + podcasts)

The Gifts of Imperfection by Brene Brown


Professor Alison Fragale on supporting other women: Women need to start taking more shots and singing others’ praises


Please reach out to me anytime to ask questions about the content of the workshop and what you are discovering. You can reach me through the Contact page on this site, or find me on LinkedIn or Instagram.

If you know someone who would benefit from this program or individual coaching, I appreciate your referral.