Laura Chipman | Life Coaching for Women Lawyers

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Outsmart perfectionism

You are smarter than your perfectionism.

You know it’s getting in the way of joy, of resilience, of progress. And it might feel like it’s a part of who you are. But it’s actually a learned behavior that holds you back.

You see, you can still value excellence, appreciate beauty, and prefer order… without paralyzing perfectionism. You can still relish the details, work hard, and get results… without perfectionism. Because you are not a robot who never makes mistakes. You are so much more than that. You are smarter than perfectionism.

Even if you’re a little rusty, you can learn how to notice what’s importance, even when perfectionism drags you down a rabbit hole. You can learn how to get unstuck, even when perfectionism tells you to stay where you are. You can learn that many ways, many choices lead to happiness and success, not just the one perfectionism invents without context. You can let go of the analysis paralysis in favor of action that leads to progress.

You deserve a joyful life and practice. That’s your business. Product leaders and CEOs know that business is built on a minimum viable product. Start with a prototype. An option that’s likely to work. Do some homework, then start testing. Get real data that informs your iterations. Make it better.

You’re improving, but you’re moving forward. Living your life instead of sitting on the sidelines.

Tell perfectionism to get out of the way of your progress. It’s wasting your time, and you’ve got a joyful life and practice to lead.

It’s time to outsmart your perfectionism.

I’m cheering for you!