The Board: Goals Sessions


I’m Laura Chipman. I’m a practicing lawyer and a coach to women lawyers and professionals, helping you live and practice intentionally.


I’ll be joining your group in February to lead you through some personal reflection and collaborative exercises designed to support you in reaching your goals.

Here’s what we will tackle together:

  1. Exploring areas of our lives where we’d like to see radical change.

  2. Acknowledging what’s been holding us back in the past and where we are really ready & willing to create to change now.

  3. Selecting actionable & meaningful goals and breaking them down into doable steps to achieve them— fast.

We may be separated by a pandemic but we have the opportunity to support each other like never before.


To help set the stage for radical transformation, let’s start right where we are.

How are you doing, really?

Use this Wheel of Life Worksheet to assign a number rating and color in the “wheel of life” to take a snapshot of your life right now. If you have time, you can use some of the prompts to consider the reasons for some of your ratings and where you might like to see change or continued growth.

What are the 2-3 areas where you’d most like to see change this year?

The categories are: Friends (and Extended Family), Personal Growth/Spiritual, Career, Finances, Health & Fitness, Fun & Recreation, Relationship, Parenting. Feel free to substitute a category of your choosing if one of these doesn’t feel relevant to you.

And if printing and coloring isn’t your thing, you can try just assigning the number rating, using a digital wheel of life tool, or free-writing with the prompts. The point is to spend a little time considering the many facets of your life, your level of satisfaction, and your readiness to change.

Zoom Links

Session 1 - Monday, February 8, 2021

We explored the areas of our life that we’d most like to change.

Session 2 - Monday, February 15, 2021

We named the limiting beliefs that have been holding us back in the past.

Session 3 -Thursday, March 4, 2021


Join Zoom Meeting


Keep Good Going

We’re just getting started!

Check back here for group discussion questions, accountability action items, and ideas for future sessions.

Limiting Beliefs Worksheet

How to Set Meaningful Goals

Avoiding Pitfalls in Goal-Setting

Recommended reading:

The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron

I Know How She Does It by Laura Vanderkam

Essentialism by Greg McKeown

Untamed by Glennon Doyle

Individual Sessions

I will be glad to support you individually for a more focused dive on reaching your goals or anything else we cover together. Schedule your free 30-minute session with me at any time at


Please reach out to me anytime to ask questions about the content of our sessions and what you are discovering. You can reach me by email ( or find me on LinkedIn or Instagram.

If you know someone who would benefit from this program or individual coaching, I appreciate your referral.