Auburn Women’s Leadership Conference 2021





Journal Prompts

Use this Keynote Handout for a list of the strategies for getting started journaling and all of the journal prompts discussed in the keynote.


Concurrent Session

In this working session we will review how to chart your own path for work-life success by knowing your values, letting go of what you no longer need, setting meaningful & actionable goals, and developing fluency in your strengths.

Print out or access the Concurrent Session Handout for our work together! You can also use the Wheel of Life to help identify areas of your life you’d like to transform, and review the blog post on How to set meaningful goals.

If you’d like to dig in even more, spend some time revisiting any strengths assessments you have completed in the past (e.g., Myers-Briggs, Clifton Strengths, DiSC). Make notes about what you remember learning about yourself. To start fresh, check out the Clifton Top 5 Strengths Finder or the VIA Character Strengths Survey online.


Let’s stay in touch!

Please reach out to me anytime to ask questions about the content of the workshop and what you are discovering. You can reach me through the Contact page on this site, or find me on LinkedIn or Instagram.

If you know someone who would benefit from this program or individual coaching, I appreciate your referral.