It’s OK to stay

I work with a lot of women who want to change jobs or careers.  (I did so myself recently!)

But the more I read about the Great Resignation, the more I notice the pressure to make a change.  The doubt it can sow. For some, making a change could add stress in a time of uncertainty and near-burnout, and they may not be ready to absorb it.

If that’s how you feel, I see you too. It’s OK to stay. You likely have tons of great reasons to continue on your path, in spite of the frenzied job market.

In my view, it's important to understand why you choose either way. It’s important that YOU choose. Commit to a choice for now, in this season. So you are clear and can stop worrying about it. So you can make the most of that path you select. So you can care for yourself appropriately.

Yes, the market is crazy, and yes there are lots of reasons to take on a new opportunity. But your worth, your credentials, and your potential will all still be there next year.

You always have a choice.

Choosing to stay and show up differently, to ask for what you want, to spend your capital, to deepen your expertise, to invest in relationships, to rest and recover-- these choices can take a lot of clarity and courage.

Maybe you want to stay to…



Ask for flexibility

Develop a relationship

Go for a promotion


Improve a process

Focus on family

Go part-time

Deepen your expertise

Connect with your community

Lead a new initiative

Manage a team

Try on a new skill

It’s your choice. That’s what I want you to know. You get to choose.

Coaching can be helpful if you choose to stay or go – I’d love to tell you more about it.


Simplifying gifts


Slow down