Slow down
“Mommy, I think you just need to slow down.”
My 6-year-old gives the best advice.
He can recognize the physical clues of a wired mind. I was hustling through making dinner, frazzled and multi-tasking, spilling ingredients and stepping over toys. I felt the rush to get food on the table by our usual dinnertime. I was moving too quickly to finish any one task, and so I wasn’t making progress. I was creating a series of tiny problems along the way and getting swept up at the frenzy.
“I’m feeling frustrated,” I said. “I need to get dinner ready.”
That’s when he said it. Compassionately, empathetically, and honestly.
“Mommy, I think you just need to slow down.”
I put down the pot holder and knelt down next to him.
“You’re absolutely right, buddy. I was moving too fast and it made me feel bad.”
“Yeah, it’s OK, Mommy. You have plenty of time.”
We have plenty of time.
Sometimes when we slow down, we can get things done faster.
When we do less, we accomplish more.
When we stop trying to feel good, we feel better.
When we stop trying to be perfect, we excel.
When we stop trying to fit in, we feel belonging.
When we listen, we hear the words we needed.
I think we just need to slow down.
“Thanks, bud. Thank you for the reminder.”
“Oh sure, Mommy. Anytime!”